Welcome to Artists' Coalition of Flagstaff gallery! (Formerly known as Arts Connection)
Our location:  Flagstaff Mall 4650 US 89, Flagstaff, AZ  
Phone: 928-310-6758
Open 10am to 7pm, Mon - Sat, 
11am - 6pm Sun.


WANTED!  Local artists to join our artist co-op at Artists' Coalition of Flagstaff gallery!  Sell your work and learn the business end of marketing your original art!  We are located in Flagstaff Mall. We have been at the mall since November, 2015.  We are an artists' co-op, all members of Artists' Coalition of Flagstaff. If you are interested in being juried in, please contact Catherine Sickafoose,  602-918-0234 or e-mail catherinesickafoose@gmail.com. Space available now! We would especially like to find ceramic, glass and other 3D artists, but have some wall space available as well.  

Apply at the gallery or online: